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Department for Legal Philosophy, Law of Religion and Culture University of Vienna Österreich

A358 Department for Legal Philosophy, Law of Religion and Culture

Head of Institute O. Prof. Dr. Richard Potz
Address A-1010 Wien, Freyung 6
Building Gebäude Schottenstift, Stiege 2, 4. Stock, Zi 02
Postal address 1010-Wien Schenkenstrasse 8-10/4.OG
Tel 01/4277-35811
other Tel 01/4277-35814 01/4277-35801
Fax 01/4277-35899 01/4277-9358
E-Mail gabriele.buchta@univie.ac.at, elisabeth.fodrek@univie.ac.at, brigitte.leopold-slezak@univie.ac.at
Web http://www.rechtsphilosophie.at
Secretary Mo-Fr 9-12, Th Th 14:00-15:00, Th 16-17:30
Library like bibliothektime Schenkenstraße
This department offers compulsory education in the following fields of study: