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MitmachVideos und OnlineTrainings zeigen wie's geht.
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Searching for GEOGRAPHY in Fields of study :

Uni Wien > Graduate Programs >

  • A190456 Area of concentration: Geography and Economics (Secondary School Teacher Accreditation) (Faculty of Earth Sciences, Geography and Astronomy)
  • A452 Field of studies: Geography (Faculty of Earth Sciences, Geography and Astronomy)

  • Uni Graz > Graduate Programs >

  • B190456 Geography and Economics (Secondary School Teacher Accreditation) (Faculty of Natural Sciences)
  • B452 Diploma programme: Geography (Faculty of Natural Sciences)

  • Uni Innsbruck > Graduate Programs >

  • C190456 Area of concentration: Geography and Economics (Secondary School Teacher Accreditation) (Fakultät für Geo- und Atmosphärenwissenschaften)
  • C452 Field of studies: Geography (Fakultät für Geo- und Atmosphärenwissenschaften)

  • Uni Salzburg > Graduate Programs >

  • D033655 Geography, bachelor programme (Faculty of Natural Sciences)
  • D190456 Geography and Economics (Secondary School Teacher Accreditation) (Faculty of Natural Sciences)

  • Uni Klagenfurt > Graduate Programs >

  • L190456 Geography and Economics (Secondary School Teacher Accreditation) (Faculty of Economics and Computer Sciences)
  • L452 Field of studies: Geography (Faculty of Economics and Computer Sciences)

  • Berufschancen nach dem Studium?
    Karriere-Index bringt Orientierung!